Sunday, July 01, 2007

What...National Healthcare?

The United States National Health Insurance Act H.R. 676 should be on everybody's lips, in their discussion groups and forums, in their blogs, and on their elected representative's desks! Here is an explanation of H.R. 676 from the Healthcare Now website. From the Healthcare Now website:
Under HR 676, a family of three making $40,000 per year would spend approximately $1600 per year or about $133 per month for healthcare coverage. Everybody would pay something into the national healthcare fund -- on a sliding scale -- depending on their income. But they would no longer receive healthcare bills. They would no longer pay co-pays and deductibles; they would no longer be denied prevention, a doctor of their choice, and care when they need it.

The United States National Health Insurance Act would allow the United States to reduce its almost $2 trillion health care expenditure each year while covering all of the uninsured and all of us for more benefits than we are getting under their current insurance company plans.

And here is the entire Bill in pdf from the Physicians for a National Health Program website. From PNHP's website:
The U.S. spends twice as much as other industrialized nations on health care, $7,129 per capita. Yet our system performs poorly in comparison and still leaves 46 million without health coverage and millions more inadequately covered.

This is because private insurance bureaucracy and paperwork consume one-third (31 percent) of every health care dollar. Streamlining payment though a single nonprofit payer would save more than $350 billion per year, enough to provide comprehensive, high-quality coverage for all Americans.

Please pass this information on to friends, family, and even the people you might consider your enemies. And watch the following video of Michael Moore at Capitol Hill, sponsored by Politics TV.


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